Reader Crew News

I Once Found a Dead Body in My Bunk 🛌

Hi, all—    I thought a lot about the Navy while writing Book 3 in the Deception Point military detective series & for good reason. The first half of BACKBLAST...

I Once Found a Dead Body in My Bunk 🛌

Hi, all—    I thought a lot about the Navy while writing Book 3 in the Deception Point military detective series & for good reason. The first half of BACKBLAST...

I Don't Believe in Perfect People💔

Hi, all—    In all my detective novels & thrillers, one thing is clear from the start: my characters have major flaws. Why? Because perfect people don't exist. The world...

I Don't Believe in Perfect People💔

Hi, all—    In all my detective novels & thrillers, one thing is clear from the start: my characters have major flaws. Why? Because perfect people don't exist. The world...

How Kate & Ruger Came to Be 🐾

Hi all—    Creativity's an odd duck. Not only do you have to draw on it consistently to grow as an artist, you need to actively nurture its existence. If...

How Kate & Ruger Came to Be 🐾

Hi all—    Creativity's an odd duck. Not only do you have to draw on it consistently to grow as an artist, you need to actively nurture its existence. If...

Where do Authors Get Their Ideas?💡

Hi all— So where do authors get their ideas? The short answer—everywhere! I've had stories come to me while I was standing watch on the deck of a warship, driving...

Where do Authors Get Their Ideas?💡

Hi all— So where do authors get their ideas? The short answer—everywhere! I've had stories come to me while I was standing watch on the deck of a warship, driving...

Why Do I Kill? 🐁

Hi, all—   My love for murder can be traced straight to David Morrell. There I was in school, happily devouring sweeping historical sagas, along with my steady diet of science fiction...

Why Do I Kill? 🐁

Hi, all—   My love for murder can be traced straight to David Morrell. There I was in school, happily devouring sweeping historical sagas, along with my steady diet of science fiction...

Waiting Tables or High-Speed Chases?🚔

Hi, all—I promised a final blackmail-able author photo. But first, an explanation. As everyone knows, college students need money. At the time, I was no exception. Since internet job postings...

Waiting Tables or High-Speed Chases?🚔

Hi, all—I promised a final blackmail-able author photo. But first, an explanation. As everyone knows, college students need money. At the time, I was no exception. Since internet job postings...